2/15/05 Freshman by Tyler McGeough
Being a freshman in this band can be tough at first. Everybody else knows each other but you're the outsider looking in.
It can be discouraging at first, especially when you got Nathan whose 6ft 6in lol. It might be hard at first but after a while
it keeps on getting better. Once you get to know everybody and see how hilarious everybody is you feel better. When I first
came to band practices I thought wow these kids are really gay and I didn't want to do marching band at all because I thought
it was for losers. Wow I was dead wrong. Marching band is the most fun I've had in a long time. So if you have doubts about
it try it for one year and if you don't like quit, but I seriously doubt you will want to. Even if you're discouraged by Nathan
(the gentle giant) still try it because you'll get to know everybody and most likely they will accept you. Also don't be scared
by MR. McElroy he might seem big and scary but he aint nothing to worry about. Also for all incoming freshman just a tid bit
of advice don't piss off don hell put your nuts in a vice. Well that's all for this article.
Stay Classy Aliso,
Frank duh Tank
(Tyler McGeough)

2/4/05 Finals by Nathan Wheeler
Finals, Webster defines it as “Of or constituting the end result of a succession or process.” Not a bad description
of the single most awesome event that a majority of participants in band look forward to. Although, with mixed emotions and
mood swings that would make a teenage girl with her period shut up for five minutes, I feel that this whole “big picture”
idea of what we put together turned out fairly well. Throughout the season, I know many of the people may or may not have
been satisfied with the actions taken by Mac but as Nick would say, “Life’s a bitch until you marry one!”
I was a little surprised with some of the people that just gave up on what we were trying to accomplish but overall, it went
as close to “according to plan” as possible. Now that all of the crap Mac has been talking about over the past
few months has just been reinstated, we can move onto the more happy topics.
Now personally, finals represents the time of year when 100+ people get together for one last time and produce a sense of
extreme emotion and “magic” as I like to describe it. I know that walking onto the field for what may be your
last performance produced a huge adrenaline rush that couldn’t even be produced by 30 dogs in heat. The sheer feeling
of “This is what we’ve been waiting for, and now the time has come to lay it all on the line.” The feeling
that you just spent months of training, sweating and working your ass off for something you absolutely love is what does it
for me. If you don’t feel the same way as I do, you will in about a year or two. It tends to come while you begin to
realize that you’re an up classman and you’re almost through with high school. This is why so many people tend
to look forward to finals and why it’s such a great experience.
OK, I guess video games, poker with the boys, watching Aqua Teen, 8-hour bus rides, and staying up until all of the booster
parents go to sleep also make finals cool…you guys are idiots.
Until next time,
~The Boss