Marching Band is a great program to be apart of. If you join you will have the time of your life. There is a lot of work involved
with this program but it is all worth it in the end. It is a great way to meet new friends and it makes band a lot more fun.
We usually start at the end of the school year and start doing summer practices once a week until the end of July. Then a
week before school starts we start what is called band camp. Band Camp use to last for 2 weeks but now we do it in less then
a week. Band Camp consists of Conditioning learning the show music doing more Marching technique and learning the show. During
the school year we meet every Thursday night for a 4 hour practice, and during school every 3rd period. There are practices
on Saturday until we start having competitions. Then the final product, we march our show at every home football game through
out the year and in the middle of October we start having Competitions. A week before Thanksgiving we have Marching Band Finals.
We leave on a Friday and take a bus trip to the finals. We perform on Saturday then you get to hang out with all of your friends
back at the hotel until we leave the next morning to come back. As a Marching Band we go through a lot of work, pain, sweat,
and so on to make a final product that is all worth it. This program make you say I wish that marching band was the whole
year because it is that good.